Usb Localdisk 0; Size 7 kB; Fast download for credit 1 second – 0,01. A USB flash drive is detected by Windows XP as a removable disk. This poses a couple of limitations. The only way you can create a partition on a USB drive is by converting the USB drive to a local disk. Since, recently most of the storage drives provide storage space of 1TB and above, converting USB to local disk will allow you to create partitions. A better way to organize your vast amounts of data.

In this episode we are going to make our USB flash drive appear as a local disk, stay tuned.By default your USB flash drive will appear as a removable storage in your Windows computeror any other device. You might want it to appear as a local disk, just like a hard drive.Why would you want to do that? Let's have a look.You can partition your pen drive. In other words, your can split this pen drive in 2 ormore drives. Let's say drive D, E,F and so on. In eachdrive you can keep different information.You can install Windows on your pen drive without using any additional software, becauseyour pen drive will appear as a USB hard drive.

Usb Localdisk Zip Download

You can record something from TV on a USB pen drive as long as your TV supports thatfuncion. Some TV's don't let to record anything ona pen drive, but they will you record on a USB hard drive. By making your pen drive appearas a hard drive, wollaa! Magic!All right, let's do it. So what will we need? We will need a pen drive.I am using KINGSTON 16GB G3 DataTraveler and we will need some software.Go to and download Flash Drive Information Extractor.Insert your flash drive and run the software to see what controller does your flash driveuse.Kingston G3 DataTraveler is using �Phison 2251-67� controller.We need to find a software that will let us make the flash drive appear as a local disk.This procedure is know as �Flip Removable Bit�.There are a few web pages you can look for the software. I will put links in description.One of the web pages you can use is There you can download different tools fordifferent flash drives. Not all tools will let you flip removable bit, so if you can'tUsb localdisk zip downloadOpenfind one, you can always get the same pen drive I use in this video.LocaldiskUsb LocaldiskThe controller in my pen drive can be also found in other pen drive brands.I'm not gonna change many settings. I will set format level to �High� as it's faster.And I will select �Fixed disk� in options.I will use original VID and PID number. VID and PID number is basically an ID number foryour pen drive. I will also change the pen drives name.

Usb Local Disk Zip

LocaldiskOk, let's do it. If you get an error, just try again. I got

Usb Local Disk

many errors playing around with the pen drive. Reinsert your pen drive and it should appear

Usb Localdisk Zip

as a local disk.