Ccna Lab 1.6.1 Pka Completed

  1. Ccna Lab 1.6.1 Pka Completed Test
  2. Ccna Lab 1.6.1 Pka Completed Questions
Ccna lab 1.6.1 pka completed questionsCompleted


Lesson/Assignments Projections







Week 1

Tech Class Procedures

Folder Set-ups

Link Set-ups

Google Class Set-ups

Google Drive Set-ups

Video-Folder and File Set-ups

On-line Class Meeting

Tech Class Procedures

Folder Set-ups (Term01, Term02, Term03, Term04) & a Sub-Folder inside Term 01...
name it Module01

Link Set-ups

Exercise- file Setups


Google Class Setups

Google Drive Set-ups


On-Line Class Meeting

Daily Work:


D- Folder Setups, Link Setup, Google Class Setups,

D- Google Drive Setups

Week 2

READ - Module 01 - Pages 1.0 to 1.3.6

Lab- 1.3.6 - Configure SSH


On-Line Class Meeting

Read Module 01 - Sections 1-3

Video - Module 01 - Sec 1-3

Lab - 1.3.6

Daily Work -

Lab 1.3.6


Daily Work - Labs

Journal FILE

Daily Work:

Lab 1.3.6


D - Lab 1.3.6

Week 3

READ - Module 01 - Pages 1.4 To 1.4.7

Lab- 1.4.7 - Configure Router Interfaces


Video - Module 1 - Section 1.4

Lab- 1.4.7 - Configure Router Interfaces - Directions

Lab- PT 1.4.7 - Configure Router Interfaces

Daily Work:

Lab- 1.4.7 - Configure Router Interfaces


Daily Work - Labs

Daily Work:

Lab- 1.4.7 - Configure Router Interfaces


D & T- Lab- 1.4.7 - Configure Router Interfaces

Week 4

READ - Module 01 - Pages 1.5 To 1.5.10

Lab- 1.5.10 - Verify Directly Connected Networks

Module Quiz- 1.6.4


Video - Module 01-Section 5

Lab - 1.5.10 - Verify Directly connect Networks - Directions

Lab PT- 1.5.10 - Verify Directly connect Networks


Daily Work - Labs

Daily Work:

This weeks lab


Lab PT- 1.5.10 - Verify Directly connect Networks

D & Q- Module Quiz 1.6.4 - Copy Paste with answers


Week 5

Read - Module 01 - Pages 1.5.11 to 1.6.4

Lab - 1.6.1 - Implement a small Network

Chapter 1 - Check Your Understnadings- 1.6

Chapter 1 - Module Quiz - 1.6.4


Video on Lab 1.6.1

Lab - 1.6.1 - Implement a small Network-Directions

PT-Lab - 1.6.1 - Implement a small Network

Note: Monday is a Holiday - Labor day

Daily Work - Labs

Journal - Link

Daily Work - Labs

(Possible Field Trip)

Daily Work - Labs

DUE: (Saturday due to holiday)

D & T Lab - 1.6.1 - Implement a small Network

D & Q - Module 01 Quiz - Take a screenshot of completed quiz with score. Your name must be present on top to verify it's your quiz. For example have your email tab displayed at the top....which should display your name.

Week 6

Read - Module 02 (all of this section)

Chapter 2 - Check Your Understandings - 2.2.4
Chapter 2 - Check Your Understandings - 2.3.2

Read - Module 03 - 3.1 to 3.2.8

Lab - 3.2.8 - Investigate A VLAN implementation - Just answer questions


Video on Module 02

Video on 3.1 to 3.2.8

Work on 'Check your Understandings' 2.2.4 and 2.3.2

Lab - 3.2.8 - Packet Tracer File

Lab- 3.2.8 - Directions (this is what you'll be turning in

Next - Open PT and following directions. You are not configuring on this lab. Just pinging devices.

Next - Open the Directions file and answer the questions only. Turn-in the Word document with questioned answered. Please use different text color so I can see your answers better.

Journal - Link


Friday -
Q - Chapter 2 - Check Your Understandings - 2.2.4
Q - Chapter 2 - Check Your Understandings - 2.3.2

Due Date extended to Monday the 21st of Sept. for:
D & T - Lab 3.2.8

Week 7

Read - Module 03 - 3.2.9 - 3.3.12

3.3.12 Packet Tracer - VLAN


RSW-Module03-3.3 to 3.3.12

Daily Work - Labs

Daily Work - Labs

Week 8

Read - Module 3 from 3.3.13 - 3.5.5

3.4.5 Packet Tracer – Configure Trunks.pka

3.5.5 Packet Tracer – Configure DTP.pka


Video Module 3 Section upto 3.3.13 to3.5.5

Daily Work - Labs

3.4.5 Packet Tracer – Configure Trunks.pka

3.4.5 Directions

3.5.5 Packet Tracer – Configure DTP.pka

3.5.5 Directions

Daily Work - Labs



D- 3.4.5

Q- 3.5.5

Journal Week 8

Week 9

3.6.1 Packet Tracer – Implement VLANs and Trunking.pka


Daily Work - Labs

3.6.1 Packet Tracer – Implement VLANs and Trunking.pka


Daily Work - Labs


T- 3.6.1 Packet Tracer – Implement VLANs and Trunking.pka

T- Journals

Q- Typing File

Ccna Lab 1.6.1 Pka Completed Test

  1. Cisco packet tracer CCNA- Routing Protocols And Concepts Lab 1.6.1. Basic router configurationCommands:EnaConf tint f/sIp addressNo shutdownSh runClock rate.
  2. Lab 1-1 Identifying Router Components and Accessories. Lab 1-2 Connecting to a Cisco Router or Switch via Console. Lab 1-3 Identifying Router & Switch IOS Software. Lab 1-4 Configuring a Cisco Access Server. Lab 1-5 Installing Graphical Network Simulator v3. Lab 1-6 Basic Graphic Network Simulator v3 Configuration.
  3. NDG has worked closely with the Cisco CCNA lab team to develop CCNA Exploration 1 labs. CCNA Exploration 1 is supported by the Network Fundamentals Pod (NFP). NFP is a pod specifically designed for the CCNA 4.0 Exploration 1 course. The supported lab list (below) highlights the labs that are compatible with NFP.
  4. How Many Cisco Routers & Cisco Switches Do I Need To Complete Your CCNA R&S 200-125 Lab Workbook? Our CCNA Lab Workbook has been recently updated for the new CCNA exam and was designed with the knowledge that most of our customers can’t afford a large lab. We wrote our Lab Workbook to the specification of three routers and three switches.

Ccna Lab 1.6.1 Pka Completed Questions

1.6.1 Packet Tracer – Implement a Small Network Answers Packet Tracer – Implement a Small Network (Answers Version) Answers Note: Red font color or gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Answers copy only. This activity requires some knowledge of how to build topologies in Packet Tracer.